Friday, October 9, 2015

Map of Cayo

This is a map created in my GIS class using ArcGis (Arcmap). This map shows a polygon of Cayo district along with Cayo's major roads, major rivers, towns and protected areas. To complete his map all the necessary and relevant spatial data files were downloaded from BERDS and GeoNode websites; which were the roads shape files, Surface water shape files, protected areas shape files and the towns and cities shape files. Then from the Belize base map layer the Cayo district polygon was extracted by selecting Cayo by attributes and then exporting the data of this layer to a new layer hence being Cayo polygon. Then the Belize base map was removed or made invisible. After that, each layer was added and each one was clipped using the clipping tool so that the layer only displays the data for the Cayo district. Specific unique value symbology and labeling was done for each one of the layers to display specific information needed. For example only rivers was shown and label instead of rivers, streams and creeks for the surface water layer. Each layer was also modified to personal taste and modification. Next all the data for each layer was converted to annotations so that each labeling can be modified individually. Next the basic map elements were added, such as the title, north arrow, scale bar, scale text and legend. The legend was also modified to specific preferences. After that, a new data frame was added and the base map layer was added to it in order to create an inset map showing exactly where the Cayo district is in Belize. Then, a text box was created so as to state the sources used in this map. Next, the author and current time was added, which was set from before in the map documents properties along with the title, and changed to font size 10. Lastly, final modifications and specifications based on personal preference was done and the map was saved and exported as a picture (jpeg file).

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