Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Map of World Countries by Population

Above is a map I created using ArcGIS, ArcMap, in my GIS class that displays the Population in 2007 of the World Countries; whereby the lightest color to darkest color is the least population to greatest population. To first create this map the data for the map was downloaded from UB moodle website and saved on the computer. Then ArcMap was opened and the world countries data (shape files) was added first. Then country names in the attribute table was arranged in ascending order. After this, the data for the cities was added and the symbol for the cities was changed to a black square size 2. Then a more complex color scheme was used to display the different population size for the word countries by going into the world_countries data properties and adding a symbology to it. Next the back ground color of the page was changed to blue by going into layer properties and them change the frame background to blue. Next the data view was exported to a map by changing the view to layout view where the elements such as map title, north arrow, scale and scale text was added to the map by going to the insert tab and inserting each one individually. After the last finishing touches and personalizing to the map was completed the map was saved and then exported as a JPEG file to upload the image of the map here.

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