Monday, November 2, 2015

Projection and Coordinates Map of Florida

This is a map showing two different projections of Florida and four counties within Florida and their respective area in square kilometers. This was done in my GIS class using the arcMap program in ArgGIS. First the data given was added into arcMap and then that data was projected to another coordinate system called UTM using the project tool from the data management tool box. Next, that new projected data was added to the map as well. Then, a new data frame was inserted and named "UTM" and the "layers" data frame was renamed to "Albers". The new projected data was then drag into the new UTM data frame and removed from the Albers data frame. Next, in the attribute table for this data in both data from, a new field called area was created and then the area was calculated using the 'calculate geometry' function found when right clicking the new field "Area". After that, a symbology was created that shows the four different counties as seen in the map and their respective areas by using a color ramp to distinguish the exact counties. Next, in layout view, the map elements were inserted, such as the north arrow, scale text, scale bar, title, legend for each projection, date, author and text showing the type of coordinate that is used for each projection. Next, a raster data was added to the map that needed spatial reference, which was then set using arccatalog by going into the properties of that data in arccatalog, edit the spatial reference and then one that is appropriate was chosen. The data was then added into the both data frames. Then using the project raster tool, which is slightly different that the project tool used earlier, the coordinate system of this raster data was projected to UTM  zone 16 and then added to both data frames again. Final modification was done to the map before it was saved and then exported as a jpeg file and posted here in the blog.

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