Friday, November 6, 2015

Georeferencing Data Map

This is a Geo-referencing map showing a part of Florida; it was created using the Arcmap program in the ArcGis program. The map was first created by adding in the unreferenced raster and an already referenced data set showing the same area. Then the fit to display feature in the georeferencing tool was used to bring the layer needed to reference into the current area being viewed and then the display was manipulated so that the features on both the known and unknown layers can be seen clearly. Then features present in both layers were visually identified and the add control points feature was used to create links. Next the RMS errors for the links were reviewed and pointes were delete or change as needed to ensure the knwon and unknown line up properly. Next, a transformation type was chosen and the to complete georeferencing the Update Georoeferencing button was selected. The same process was done for the second unreferenced raster file. Then, a new shape file for athletic fields was created and then the athletic fields, buildings and the roads were digitized. Finally, in layout view the standard map elements were added, such as the north arrow, map title, author, date, scale text, scale bar, and legend along with the RMS error; and then the map was saved and exported as a jpeg file.

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