Friday, November 27, 2015

Bayou Texar Map

This is map that I created in my GIS class using Arcmap in the ArcGIS desktop program. This map is showing sample points of positive contaminants in Bayou Texar, plaintiff Properties near these contaminant sample points and market value of the parcels in Bayou Texar. To this, the parcels data file was first added then the x and y data was added from the contaminants and claimants clv files provided. These x and y data was made sure to have the correct coordinate system and the data was exported as shape files added to the map creating the two sets of points. Next, the parcel values clv file was added and then the data from that file was joined with the data from parcel data file so that the attributes can be joined to have one shape file with all the required data. The data for that target file for the join was then exported to another shape file to make the join permanent. Then, that new file was added and the old one was removed. Next, a symbology was used to show the market value using a color ramp of the parcels. Next, a base map called topology was added before changing to layout view to begin adding the basic map elements such as current date, author, north arrow, title, scale text, scale bar, and legend. Lastly, final modifications and fixing was done to the map for final submission. The map was then saved and exported to a jpeg file to be posted up here in my blog.

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